Well....I suppose I should get a picture posted of my new Bee Hive Studio...all -beeeeeeeee- it still a work in progress....but, I am actually getting some new projects accomplished....along with...."ahem" ...FINDING MANYMANYMANY projects still needing some "love".
Since I am transferring this coming week to a new Lowes store in Nashville, I have found myself in a most bittersweet position. There are some wonderful people I have met thru this journey I embarked on last April....and I am trying to come up with some handmade cards to give out this weekend.....along with perhaps some kind of "treat" bag or something ....haven't really figured this one out yet.
Here is one thank you card I came up with...using the FUNFUNFUN Silhouette Digital Craft Cutter my dd, Jenny gave me this past Christmas. I am embarrassed to say that it took me taking a Silhouette Class 101 at my local SBS, Memories in Bloom...plus a GREAT cheat sheet handout....and of course, the ever faithful help from dd to get this super sweet card created...a real TEAM effort....but, now , I feel very confident using it!...The possibilities are endless!!!
I used a bunch of scraps I had on my work table....along with some Stampin'UP! products. I LOVE this birdie I was able to download into my QK library....I will definitely be making alot more of these....just to have on hand...the sentiment can be left until the last minute....as needed.
Be sure to check out my Etsy shop.....I have added more of my EVER POPULAR vintage quilt heart cut-outs.....a NEW button will be coming soon....as I am de-stashing ( alas...it all wont fit in the new studio!!!)
Creative blessings,